Acknowledge us = $$$ in your pocket

To be able to invest in the future and get new toys we need to show our investors (the University of Melbourne, ARC, NHMRC, other research institutions ...) that the output generated by the Bio21 AMF is significant.

In order to do so we need you to acknowledge the facility in your publications. We also need you to tell us you did acknowledge us.

In return for each paper where the facility is acknowledged we will grant you one hour of microscope time free of charge

You have two choices in term of naming us, either in the Material and Methods section or in the Acknowledgements section.


Material and Methods: Negatively stained samples were image on the Tecnai F30 at the Bio21 Advanced Microscopy Facility (The University of Melbourne)

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank <Staff name> from the Bio21 Advanced Microscopy Facility (the University of Melbourne)