
Biological Imaging (BioSciences Microscopy Unit) offers a range of imaging technologies and preparation techniques to help researchers investigate the dynamics, structure and function of biological samples at the microscopic scale.

Using our state-of-the-art microscopy instrumentation and a full sample preparation workflow, we work with academic and commercial researchers in either a collaborative or service capacity to help investigate different biological samples at organism, tissue, cell, organelle and molecular levels.

We also offer training to students and researchers in microscopy sample preparation techniques, microscopy applications and operation of instruments for independent use.

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Sample preparation and microtomy

The screen display of a CDP300

A lab is available for electron microscopy sample preparation as well as microtomes for thin sections.

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High-speed imaging

High speed action

A high speed camera is available for users who want to image extremely fast time-resolved activities that cannot be acquired using normal camera acquisition.

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Other platforms

For more information about the wider platform community, please visit Research Website, which is available to all visitors. Details about the University’s research infrastructure related resources and services can be found on Research Gateway, which is available to the University of Melbourne staff and Graduate Researchers.