Instrument Training

  1. Only platform staff are to train researchers to use BOMP instruments.
  2. Researchers will be provided with training documentation and are required to complete an online competency assessment before they can book in a face-to-face training session.
  3. Face-to-Face training usually consists of a two-hour induction and follow-up competency testing. Platform staff retain the right to require researchers to undergo further training if deemed necessary.

Equipment Usage and After-Hours Usage

  1. Each node has its own local rules regarding access and after hours use. Please refer to the training files provided.
  2. Researchers are to abide by local safety rules at all times. Please consult the relevant training files, SOP & RA.
  3. Approval for facility use will be withdrawn in the event of serious neglect or damage of equipment, inappropriate use of equipment, neglect of safety procedures and local usage rules, or allowing unauthorised persons access to the facility or other behaviour deemed to be inappropriate.
  4. Instrument booking calendar access will be blocked after a period of 6 months without usage. Access will be returned following a refresher training.
  5. Any damage to a microscope resulting from misuse or operator error will be charged back to the research group to which the researcher belongs.
  6. Access cards must never be handed on to a third party.

Data Management Policy

  1. Images and data obtained on BOMP instruments remain the property of the researcher who acquired the data.
  2. The researcher is responsible for the archiving of these files. We suggest that this is performed immediately at the end of your session. Please allocate time for this within your booking.
  3. Under no circumstances are Platform staffs responsible for any lost data.

Collaboration Policy

Platform staffs are available to provide a number of academic services to researchers using our equipment under collaboration agreement. Collaboration request can be raised by the relevant BOMP staff in iLab. These services include:

  • consultation on experimental design, application & analysis
  • method/protocol development (e.g. developing new applications)
  • operation of instruments for data collection
  • advanced data analysis

Any instrument usage under the collaboration agreement will be charged at the user operated rate.

Acknowledgement Policy

All research output (e.g. publication, presentation & poster) resulting from the use of instruments within the Platform should acknowledge the facility as a whole, e.g. the authors gratefully acknowledge the Biological Optical Microscopy Platform for their support & assistance in this work’, and the Platform should be informed of the publication.

Authorship Policy

Assistance above the technical or routine level, with any Platform staff providing scientific input and expertise in experimental set-up, acquisition or analysis, should be recognised through co-authorship on resulting publications.

Please discuss acknowledgements and authorship with facility staff prior to manuscript submission. See Example scenarios with baseline recommendations (based on the  Royal Microscopy Society  Guideline)

    Sample Preparation
    • Fast, routine sample preparation with standard protocol.
    • Development of new sample preparation protocols. Optimisation of existing protocols for specific samples.
    Image Acquisition
    • Training of users to acquire images themselves.
    • Simple acquisition of raw data.
    • Operational image acquisition with input and decisions dependent on expertise.
    • Design or re-design of experimental conditions.
    Image analysis
    • Recommendation of analysis software and tools.
    • Basic data analysis help and advice.
    • Constructive data analysis and interpretation.
    • Creation of complex custom image analysis tools.